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Racine residents are in a season of change. Many residents have faced challenges beyond their control due to COVID-19. Trauma, job loss, and academic hardships are just a few of the circumstances community members are facing.

As a result of the chaos, our mental health can suffer. Anxiety, paranoia, stress, and depression may seem to be ruling your life. Certainty and happiness may be few and far between. These difficulties are not moments that anyone must go through alone.

The community of Racine is full of resources that can help your mental health. Even if you feel that you are not facing trials, finding support is always beneficial. The community of Racine has a variety of resources to utilize.

Taking proper care of your mental health is vital. It impacts our behaviors, emotions, and overall well-being. Check out the resources below as a way to improve your mental health.

Experiencing a mental health crisis? Call (800) 950-6264 to connect to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

1. Wisconsin COVID-19 Wellbeing Toolkit

The Wisconsin COVID-19 Wellbeing Toolkit is a resource available online. The Center for Healthyminds through the University of Wisconsin – Madison offers different elements such as guided meditation, or webinars that can be helpful.

Click here to view the toolkit.

2. Racine County Crisis Services

The Racine County Crisis Services offer many valuable resources. Services are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call the hotline at (262) 638-6741 to talk to someone. If you experience a life-threatening emergency, call 911. Click here to view a list of resources available in the human services department.

3. NAMI – National Alliance on Mental Health (Racine)


NAMI is educating, advocating, and supporting the community despite the global health crisis. At a time like this, more than ever this resource is working to provide for residents.

Peer, family, and teen support groups are all available. Virtual support is also offered.

Click here for a schedule of support groups offered by NAMI.

For more information about NAMI and their resources, visit the local NAMI Racine County website.

4. Aging Disability Resource Center

Now if you are an individual or caregiver looking for information pertaining to aging or living with a disability, then you will want to connect with ADRC. To make informed and educated choices you will need support services.

They provide information, assistance, and access to program services that one may need. To find out what services meet your needs, click here to take a survey.

Due to COVID-19, the resources are available online and via telephone. Call (262) 833-8777 weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to find out what services apply to you.

5. Women’s Resource Center

If you are experiencing mental health problems as a result of domestic violence, you can use the Women’s Resource Center in Racine for help.

There is a 24-hour crisis line available for support or if you have concerns. If you are seeking help, call (262) 633-3233. Emergency housing services are available for all survivors of domestic violence regardless of gender, orientation, or extenuating situations.

The WRC also offers healing services. To participate, contact (262) 633-3274, ext. 104.

Trauma, emotional, and social issues that arise due to domestic violence can be challenging. With the help of the Women’s Resource Center, they can help you get on a safe track. These situations are difficult, but the WRC will find an approach that best fits your needs.

Use these resources as a way to cope and heal mental health problems. Please note that these resources are modified to fit the current circumstances of the COVID-19 virus. Consider checking out this article here for more information on how to stay healthy.

Reach out to the Racine County Eye if you need any help connecting to these mental health resources.

Rating: 5 out of 5.