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By Kelly Kruse

The Downtown Racine Corporation will take part in a statewide celebration of downtown
business districts in the second annual Wisconsin Main Street Day event at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

Racine is one of eight communities selected to take part in local Main Street Day celebrations that will feature state and local officials and community leaders. The day highlights the important role that downtowns play in the local economy and celebrates the many successes of Wisconsin’s commercial business districts.

The announcement will take place at Monument Square, on the corner of 6th St and Main St in Downtown Racine. Mayor Cory Mason, Executive Director of the Downtown Racine
Corporation, Kelly Kruse and Chairman of the DRC Jim Venturini will be talking along with
WEDC Secretary and CEO Mark Hogan.

The public is invited to join the Wisconsin Main Street Day celebration. Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Secretary and CEO Mark Hogan, Deputy Secretary and COO Tricia Braun and other officials will each visit the communities to celebrate the success of the Wisconsin Main Street and Connect Communities Programs, which provide technical support and guidance to downtown groups. Many of the events also will include announcements about local business openings and
other new downtown initiatives.

“WEDC leadership looks forward to visiting Racine on Wisconsin Main Street Day to celebrate all the great work that is being done here to enhance the downtown business district,” Secretary Hogan said. “We look forward to not only highlighting the recent successes but also learning more about upcoming initiatives planned for downtown that helps make Racine a great place to live, work and play.”

The Wisconsin Main Street Program, which celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2018 and is overseen by WEDC, provides support and training for organizations dedicated to downtown
revitalization efforts. Since the program’s inception, Wisconsin Main Street communities have created more than 2,600 net new businesses and nearly 14,000 net new jobs. They also have generated more than $1.7 billion in public and private investment since then, and are renovating more than 250 buildings per year.

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