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Editor’s Note: Richard Nyklewicz Jr. sent this letter about the quarry expansion to the Village of Caledonia and to the Racine County Eye. Read more about the project: Quarry Expansion proposed.
It appears work may be quickly beginning and moving forward on relocating Charles Street and the expansion of the Payne and Dolan Quarry into the previously zoned residential and Institutional/parkland.
What official actions have Village officials taken to protect Caledonia residents’ interests and concerns?
Payne and Dolan has publicly indicated it would never request mining expansion east of the relocated Charles St- How has that statement been  bound by the Village official actions thus far?
What official actions have Village officials taken to prevent any future encroachment -any closer or further into nearby residential neighborhoods?
What enforcement requirements have been made to monitor dust and noise levels from quarry activity?
How will noise dust and vibration activity be monitored and mitigated from moving even closer to our homes  & schools? Any local requirement for recoding equipment to objectively quantify the levels of blast vibration, noise and dust particles?? Any State or Federal monitoring requirements protecting local residents interests and concerns incorporated into Caledonia Payne & Dolan agreements?
What Village conditions are there- Hours of restriction on trucking,  crushing and moving gravel and mining activity?  Have any additional enforcement restrictions if any been agreed to and incorporated into any agreements.
How about -Timely – efficient & safe dust removal requirements from local roadways?? Please list any.
Any requirements for Prior notification of any blasting to all surrounding residential and commercial property owners?
How will  local residents be warned or advised prior to blasts? Who do we report damage or disruption to?
Who is by law required to enforce any conditions on these activities — if anyone?
Have any additional setback conditions or requirements been attempted to mitigate impacts to adjoining private residential, commercial or institutional properties? How close to existing private property lines -can actual mining & or excavation take place?

Any public informational material or meetings planned to allow for meaningful  constructive citizen input?

Richard Nyklewicz Jr
4601 Kenrich Drive
Caledonia WI resident taxpayer & voter

Racine County Eye just received an investigative journalism grant and we’re focusing on barriers to employment. So we’re looking for people and business owners to tell us what they see are the biggest barriers to employment are in Racine County. Send yours to and put JOBS in the subject line.

Here’s more about the project:

YouTube video