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RACINE, WI – Amidst protests — peaceful and violent — over the death of George Floyd, the city is taking extra precautions and will again institute a curfew.

Over the last 48 hours, some protesters started the COP House on Villa Street on fire and burglarized 11 different businesses. But there have also been peaceful protests.

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Mayor Cory Mason issued an emergency declaration Tuesday that extends the city-wide curfew that begins at 10 p.m. Tuesday, June 2 to 5 a.m. Wednesday, June 3, according to a press release by the city.

“Again, we are issuing this curfew out of an abundance of caution. Last night was calm, and I appreciate the cooperation of our residents who have marched and demonstrated peacefully, and who have rejected the agitators from outside the community in doing so. The goal is to keep people off of the streets and sidewalks in the nighttime hours,” said Mayor Cory Mason.

The restriction limits travel on streets and sidewalks from residents going to and from their house, workplace, or to attend to personal needs like getting medication from a pharmacy. The order does not require businesses to close. Many manufactures and other businesses operate 24 hours. Employees are legally permitted to travel to and from work under this order.

Denise Lockwood has an extensive background in traditional and non-traditional media. She has written for, the Milwaukee Business Journal, Milwaukee Magazine and the Kenosha News.