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Photo of Rev. Juan Manuel Camacho
Pastor Rev. Juan Manuel Camacho will lead the Eucharistic Pilgrimage.

RACINE — The Catholic Community of Racine, under the leadership of Pastor Rev. Juan Manuel Camacho, is set to participate in a historic nationwide Eucharistic Pilgrimage.

The event, which is part of the northern “Marian” route of the National Eucharistic Congress, will see pilgrims processing through the streets of Racine on June 25, visiting six Catholic churches in the city.

Significance of the Eucharistic Pilgrimage

This event marks the first time in history that pilgrims are processing across the United States with the Blessed Sacrament. The northern route will cross the Archdiocese of Milwaukee from north to south between June 18 and June 26.

Participants in the procession will walk on sidewalks along city streets. The event will include the priest or deacon carrying the Holy Eucharist and four people carrying a portable canopy, four carrying candles, and others joining the procession.

Rev. Camacho explained the significance of the event: “Catholics believe Jesus meant what he said at the Last Supper before he died when he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them saying, ‘This is my body which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.’ We take it literally when he says in John 6:51, ‘I am the living bread that came down from heaven… and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.’”

The Eucharistic Procession responds to Jesus’ call to “follow me” as participants follow Jesus present in the Eucharist out into the world. The procession is also an occasion to pray for blessings and life to the communities passed through, invoking the healing power of Jesus as he did during his earthly ministry.

The Eucharistic Pilgrimage is part of a larger movement to deepen faith and devotion among Catholics nationwide. This pilgrimage leads the National Eucharistic Congress, which is expected to draw thousands of faithful to Indianapolis, Indiana, in July 2024. This congress aims to revive an understanding and love for the Eucharist, emphasizing its central role in the Catholic faith.

Schedule and Route Details:

  • Noon: Holy Hour at Sacred Heart Parish, 2201 Northwestern Avenue
  • 1 p.m.: Procession begins, moving to St. John Nepomuk Parish, 1903 Green Street
  • 2 p.m.: Arrival at St. Joseph Parish, 1533 Erie Street
  • 3 p.m.: Arrival at St. Patrick Parish, 1100 Erie Street
  • 4 p.m.: Arrival at St. Richard Parish, 1503 Grand Avenue
  • 5:30 p.m.: Holy Hour at St. Lucy Parish, 3101 Drexel Avenue

About the Catholic Parishes in Racine:

The eight Catholic parishes in Racine and Sturtevant include Sacred Heart Parish, St. Edward Parish, St. John Nepomuk Parish, St. Joseph Parish, St. Lucy Parish, St. Patrick Parish, St. Richard Parish, and St. Sebastian Parish. These parishes work collaboratively under the leadership of Rev. Juan Manuel Camacho and associate pastors Rev. José Mario Nieto, Rev. Michael Petersen, and Rev. Craig Richter. They serve a diverse community, offering spiritual guidance, community support, and various outreach programs.

Participation and Volunteer Information:

The Catholic Community of Racine invites all faithful and interested parties to join the Eucharistic Procession. Volunteers are also needed to assist with various roles during the procession, including carrying the canopy and candles, directing participants, and ensuring the safety and smooth flow of the event. Those interested in volunteering or seeking more information can contact Geoffrey Greiveldinger at (262) 488-5900 or via email at

Event Impact:

This procession is a significant religious event and a moment of unity and prayer for the entire Racine community. Participants will walk through critical parts of the city, sharing their faith and blessings and inviting onlookers to join in moments of reflection and adoration. The event underscores the Catholic belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and serves as a public testament to their faith.


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Denise Lockwood has an extensive background in traditional and non-traditional media. She has written for, the Milwaukee Business Journal, Milwaukee Magazine and the Kenosha News.

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