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RAYMOND, WI — Gwen Keller resigned her Raymond School Board seat ahead of the upcoming recall election.

Gwen Keller resigned her Raymond School Board seat ahead of the recall election in Raymond, Wis.
Gwen Keller

Interim Superintendent James Heiden confirmed that he received an email late on Saturday, Jan. 27, from Keller to board President Audrey Kostuch.

In her message on which Heiden was CC’d, Keller wrote that she enjoyed working on and with the board but it was time for her to move onto the next chapter in her life, Heiden read to Racine County Eye.

“She ends with saying she will look for other ways to contribute to the community,” Heiden said.

A call and an email message to Keller have not yet been returned.

Keller’s name not on the recall ballot

Janell Wise is the target of a recall effort in Raymond, WI.
Janell Wise

Keller and Janell Wise are both targeted for recall by a group of residents and parents of Raymond students who say Keller and Wise have been derelict in their duties. Board Secretary Amanda Falaschi certified the signatures needed for recall on Jan. 18.

Either board member had 10 days to resign their seat and have their name removed from the ballot, according to Wisconsin State Statute § 9.10(3)(b)

Keller’s email to Kostuch and Heiden was received before the 10-day window closed, and her name will not be on the ballot.

There is still time to file for candidacy

Dean Langenfeld confirmed he will run for Keller’s seat. He said he got involved in the recall effort against Keller and Wise because certain actions and inactions, such as the lack of a Spanish teacher for 8th-grade students, has had a direct impact on his daughter’s education.

“Without a Spanish teacher, kids are learning online,” he said. “Now, when she goes to high school next year, she’ll be in Spanish 1 instead of Spanish 2 or Spanish 3.”

Individuals interested in running for the Raymond School Board in the recall election have until 5 p.m. CST on Tuesday, Jan. 30, to file for candidacy.

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