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Racine County Eye asked candidates to fill out a questionnaire so that our readers could learn more about them. The Raymond School Board recall election is Tuesday, Feb. 27.

These are Janell Wise’s answers.

Janell Wise

What position are you seeking?
Raymond School Board

Where do you live?
2157 43rd St., Caledonia

How long have you lived in the community?
I have lived in Raymond for almost 10 years.

Janell Wise has been involved with the following organizations:

  • I attend Racine Bible Church.
  • I volunteer through my employer with Camp Hometown Heroes and the Hunger Task Force.
Janell Wise
Janell Wise

What motivated you to run for office?
My initial interest in the school board was sparked during Covid. That time period provided me a front row seat to the education my kids were receiving as they were all in remote learning. In my children, I had four very different learner types and abilities – it really opened my eyes to how their individual needs were or weren’t being met at the time.

Then, as the school opened back up, I was able to see the impact it had on my (and others’) children as I had kids in elementary and middle school. These two groups of students had very different hybrid schedules. I saw the teachers pouring their hearts out, the kids adapting and in some cases not. I knew the decisions our administration and board were facing weren’t easy. I also knew I could sit back and complain or be willing to step up myself. Then, when I heard that we had 2 open seats and NOBODY running, my sense of responsibility kicked in and led me to launch a minor write-in campaign. That was Spring of 21. I lost, but as the third highest vote getter, when a then-serving board member resigned, I was asked to serve.

Have you ever held political office before?
Yes, Currently serving as Vice President of Raymond School Board

What years did you hold that political office?
I was appointed in Summer of 2021 and elected into office in April of 2022.

What is the most important issue you want to tackle that is within the capacity of your position if you are elected? (No more than 300 words please.)
The most important job of the Raymond School board is to hire a superintendent which will help bring stability to and drive the goals of the district. We need to have a unifying leader that can build a high performing and engaged team. A leader that has a strong grasp on school finance and can partner with staff to implement strategies that will drive student performance.

What would success look like if you could address that issue in the way you think it would best be addressed? (No more than 300 words please.)
Hiring the right superintendent for the school will impact so many aspects of the school. Staff retention and engagement will improve. Student performance will improve, which is especially important because we have had three years of declining test scores. We will have a strategy to address the aging facilities concerns and strengthened relationships in the community.

How do you propose paying for the resources needed to make it happen? (No more than 300 words please.)
Our current budget allows us to hire a superintendent at a competitive wage to attract the right person. We are a small, single-school district but that can often require more of this individual as they have to be experts at many things and don’t have the support structure that many larger districts have.

Given the diverse needs of students in Racine County, how do you propose to address the challenges in the education system, including funding, teacher retention, and ensuring equitable opportunities for all students?
In order to address the many challenges broadly facing our education system (as mentioned: funding, teacher retention and ensuring equitable opportunities for all students) and the unique challenges Raymond faces with: deteriorating facilities, contention in the community and administrative turnover, we have to build a strong, committed and consistent leadership team that will be there for the hard work.

That starts with the hiring of the right superintendent. We have to have a board that will support our administrative team and hold them accountable to the high standards our students, staff and community deserves. We have to have a community willing to come together for the common good. We ALL have to up our game in thoughtful communication, listening, kindness, caring and empathy.

Janell Wise provided the above answers. They have only been modified to correct spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.

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