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by Heather AsiyanbiSturtevant Village President Steve Jansen (l) explains to trustees where Mount Pleasant is asking for sewer and water extensions for a potential development.

Sturtevant trustees are mulling how to approach potential negotiations with the Village of Mount Pleasant over sewer and water extensions for a possible development.

The topic was part of the Stormwater Committee meeting Tuesday.

Specifically, there is an interested party willing to build and open an undisclosed business on a tract of land just west of the Renaissance Business Park along Durand Avenue.

But, because municipal sewer and water services do not currently extend to that area, Mount Pleasant officials have approached Sturtevant about extending sewer and water from the business park to the possible development parcel.

“Mount Pleasant has a player who wants to pop something in there,” Village President Steve Jansen told board members. “We need to begin thinking about this.”

Money will be part of the discussion since there are construction and sewer capacity costs to consider.

Village Administrator/Clerk Mary Cole cautioned trustees to think about an end goal and how to get there.

For Jansen, that goal could include expanding the southern village boundary down to Highway KR from where it currently sits on Braun Road. Expanding Sturtevant’s square footage, though, would entail opening the cooperative boundary agreement the villages signed in 2003 when Mount Pleasant incorporated from a town into a village.

Racine County Eye reached out to Mount Pleasant for comment, but Mount Pleasant Community Development Coordinator Logan Martin would only say the villages are in talks.

“This topic is part of an ongoing negotiation involving a future potential project and discussions between the two Villages,” he said in an email. “This relates to service west of Renaissance near Enterprise Drive and west of Sturtevant along Durand Avenue.”

Sturtevant Trustee Chris Wright pointed out that any potential development is good for the entire county.

“We have to find a way to take care of our residents without jeopardizing development,” he said. “Development in Racine County benefits the whole county, but we shouldn’t mortgage the farm just to be neighborly.”

Jansen said Mount Pleasant requested an answer from Sturtevant by the end of the year, but trustees said they will need time and so will village staff to more fully explore the matter.

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