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Linda Busha


Sturtevant Trustee Linda Busha is not running for re-election. She turned in her declaration of non-candidacy earlier this month.

Busha has been on the board since 2005 when was appointed to fill a vacancy and has headed up both the official village committee of the Community Events, Beautification & Cultural Committee as well as the grass-roots Sturtevant Fireworks committee after the fireworks were removed from the village budget in 2007.

“I just need a break, to give some attention to some other things,” she told Racine County Eye.

Busha said since she’s leaving the board, Village President Steve Jansen will have to appoint new leaders for both committees. She said she will still serve on the fireworks committee.

Fireworks Committee member Carrie Harbach said it’s not that easy (to appoint a new committee chair).

“People have no idea what (Linda) does and the work she puts in for this event,” she noted. “No one else has stepped forward so Linda can pass the baton.”

Incumbents Gary Johnson and Jayme Hoffman are running to retain their seats while former Trustee Daryl Lynaugh will also be on the ballot for the April general election. We are checking on any additional candidates, and we will update this story when we get the information.

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