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A 26-year-old Mount Pleasant man is facing the rest of his life after police found hundreds of photographs and videos of child pornography plus a pedophile “handbook” on his computer.

Caleb Bixler was charged Friday, Oct. 27, in Racine County Circuit Court with 11 felony counts of possession of child pornography. If convicted, he faces the rest of his life — 275 years — in prison and/or up to $1.1 million in fines. Each count carries a minimum prison stay of at least three years.

Child pornography found in Dropbox

According to the criminal complaint, investigators received a cyber tip that at least two images of child sex abuse material were found in a Dropbox account with a username that led to Bixler. When police executed a search warrant on Bixler’s devices, they found hundreds of images and videos of young girls — some of them toddlers — engaged in a variety of sex acts, including full vaginal and anal penetration, with grown men and other children.

Police also discovered, “The Pedophile’s Handbook,” on Bixler’s computer. According to the criminal complaint, the “guide” describes how to groom children and evade detection by destroying evidence of sexual assault, including DNA.

Bixler was assigned a $25,000 cash bond and ordered to not have any contact with minor children and to not have access to or use the internet. Should he post bond, Bixler will be on house arrest and only allowed to attend court hearings, meetings with his attorney, and medical appointments.

Bixler will next be in court Nov. 1 for his preliminary hearing.

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