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RACINE — Whether you call him Santa Claus or Santo Clós, this jolly man dressed in a red – or rojo – suit along with a white (or blanco) beard is bringing joy to children who attend Racine Unified School District (RUSD) this holiday season.

Santa gifts equity to students

The Racine Police Department Community Oriented Policing (COP) Unit brought a bilingual Santa to three local schools on Dec. 6 and will continue with three more school visits on Dec. 7 in Racine.

Not only will Santa be making his way through Racine County on Christmas Eve, but the rosy-cheeked man took time out of his pre-Christmas schedule this week to make special appearances at Wadewitz Elementary, Red Apple and Jefferson Lighthouse on Wednesday.

Ofc. Brady and other community advocates help bring Santa to schools in Racine ahead of Christmas. – Credit: Loren Lamoreaux

On Thursday, school children from Jerstad-Agerholm School, Bull Early Education Center and Our Lady of Grace Academy will have their chance to see Santa.

These classroom visits are a way to ensure all students have an opportunity to see Santa before Christmas day.

Santa, who goes by the name Mario Zuniga in the off-season, was accompanied by Ofc. Travis Brady of the Anthony Lane COP House and his team of elves.

While Santa didn’t come bearing physical gifts, he and the team came to deliver an open invitation for everyone to spend time with Santa, including having free photos taken with the jolly old elf this Saturday. One of the key reasons Zuniga began this endeavor was to give the gift of equity to students during Christmas.

Diversity makes a difference

These visits focus on equity while embracing diversity. Students are empowered and the bond is strengthened between the community and the local law enforcement through the COP Houses.

Santa, who spoke both English and Spanish to the students, ensured that everyone, regardless of their mother tongue or preferred spoken language, had a chance to shout a big “Feliz Navidad” and even sneak in a good word to the big man himself about what was on their wish lists this holiday season.

Sometimes hugging your hero is the best gift. – Credit: Loren Lamoreaux

“I look forward to this every year,” commented Santa.

A student at Jefferson Lighthouse shares a special moment with Santa. – Credit: Loren Lamoreaux

Meeting RUSD’s needs

According to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s District Report Card for RUSD, there are 31.7% Hispanic or Latino students enrolled in the district. Whereas 11.7% of the student body also is made up of English learners, too.

RUSD also offers a Dual Language Program at six elementary schools. Those with the intent to continue learning in the Dual Language Program can do so at two different middle schools.

Getting his start in the red suit

This opportunity to see Santa at school removes a barrier for families who may not be able to afford to have a photo taken with Santa at more popular locations.

The idea was inspired by a local child whose family faced financial challenges. Her mother reluctantly told her they were unable to have her photo taken with Santa because they couldn’t afford the price tag of a holiday photo, which at that time was $35.

“I work out of the Racine location (of Familia Dental) on Washington Ave., so for my lunch, I walk at the Racine Mall (Regency Mall). During Christmas, two years or three years ago, I hear a little girl say to her mom ‘I want to take a picture with Santa,'” Zuniga told the Racine County Eye.

Mario Zuniga, a.k.a. Santa, interacts with students ensuring their wishes are heard before Christmas. – Credit: Loren Lamoreaux

Unfortunately, what he heard next was the mom denying the child a visit with Santa because of the price of the visit.

“And I thought, I can do this,” exclaimed Zuniga.

He was confident he could be Santa. Zuniga’s giving spirit embodies the character of Santa and what he is all about. From witnessing the family’s pain, Zuniga found purpose in giving.

This led the local Kris Kringle to continue giving year after year.

Right place, right time

The team at the Anthony Lane COP House was planning on doing a free dental event with Familia Dental at one of the schools, and Zuniga offered to come as Santa. Familia Dental hosted an event two years ago, and that was enough for Ofc. Brady. They got to work putting this new event together for a few schools, and what they saw was nothing short of incredible. More than 150 people came to the event, making it one successful first year.

This year, by making stops at six schools, the team will be in front of more than 1,000 students before the main event on Saturday. 

“Because of that little girl, all of this started,” commented Zuniga. “You never know how far it could go.”

  • Santa

No shortage of smiles

At Jefferson Lighthouse, 1722 W 6th St., Zuniga was present in plenty of classrooms. He went dashing from room to room at the elementary school.

Specifically, Santa, a world traveler, hit close to home for these students as he began speaking Spanish in the school’s Spanish classroom.

He also exchanged many well wishes in English at all of the schools.

School children smile as they hear Santa speak Spanish. – Credit: Loren Lamoreaux

At the other elementary schools too, in various classrooms, Zuniga connected in ways beyond wish lists.

“Oh my gosh… the kids, their eyes just light up,” said Kim Leslie, Community Outreach Coordinator with Aurora Health Center, after hearing Santa speak two languages.

See Santa again

Along with making stops at schools in Racine, this bilingual Santa will be available for visits at the Anthony Lane COP House, 2437 Anthony Lane, on Saturday, Dec. 9 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. for a day full of holiday cheer.

This free event that was promoted at the schools is sponsored by RPD, Aurora Healthcare/Advocate Health, and – of course – our Santa’s side job, Familia Dental.

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