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The state announced Wednesday that Wisconsin will receive $227.4 million in new federal funding for state roads and bridges in fiscal year 2018. Gov. Scott Walker labels this a “significant boost” that will be used to advance a number of transportation projects, including Interstate 94, across the entire state.

The largest single segment of the money, a $160 million federal grant funds for the Interstate 94 North-South makeover/expansion project represents the largest INFRA/FASTLANE grant ever received by Wisconsin. It is the second-largest awarded by the USDOT nationally this year.

“Our plan is to invest in more highway projects, nearly 50 more local bridge projects, and complete the I-94 North-South project years ahead of schedule with this funding,” Walker said.

Interstate 94 project 11 years ahead of schedule

According to state estimates, the grant for the I-94 project will open all lanes to traffic by Memorial Day weekend of 2020 with full completion by 2021. The Governor’s office states this will be 11 years ahead of schedule. The I-94 North-South expansion project began in 2008 and stretches 36 miles from the city of Milwaukee past the Wisconsin/Illinois state line. WisDOT applied for the grant in October 2017.

“Our plan is to invest in more highway projects, nearly 50 more local bridge projects, and complete the I-94 North-South project years ahead of schedule with this funding,” Walker said. “This is great news for Wisconsin. Not only are we keeping projects on time, we’re actually going to be able to do more projects across the state and get them done faster.”

“This investment into the I-94 North-South Project will strengthen our economy and help move passengers and goods efficiently throughout the region,” said Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave.

Added Jenny Trick, Executive Director, Racine County Economic Development Corp.: “The grant will decrease state taxpayer costs associated with the much-needed roadway improvements while allowing for the project to be completed in record time.”

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Rex Davenport is a reporter, editor and editorial project manager with more than 40 years of experience in newspaper, business magazines and other content channels.