Posted inEducation, Schools

Racine American Association of University Women announces scholarship winners

Sixteen Racine County women recently earned scholarships from the Racine American Association of University Women for 2024. The Racine AAUW annually awards scholarships to county women entering the first or second semester of their junior or senior year at a four-year accredited, degree-granting college or university and/or county women in their third or fourth semester […]

Posted inEducation, Government, Local news, Schools

Wisconsin 529 College Savings Program helps Wisconsinites save for higher education, career training

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) today encouraged Wisconsinites to save for higher education and career training with the Wisconsin 529 College Savings Program and the program’s new tax enhancements enacted by Gov. Tony Evers on March 21, 2024. The legislation, Assembly Bill 793, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 148, modified the […]

Posted inEducation

Essay Writing as a Tool for Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Traditionally, essay writing was seen as an academic exercise, but not anymore. An essay is a piece of writing that is written to convince someone of something or to inform the reader about a particular topic. As students write essays, they introspect and learn at the same time. They understand that the essay writing process […]

Posted inEducation, Finances, Government, Local news, Schools

Student loan repayment webinar on April 9; aims to help sort scams from real assistance

MADISON – People working long hours, sometimes at two jobs, to pay down their student loans do not always have time to carefully sort through all the information to separate the help from the scams. The webinar is a joint effort of the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and […]

Posted inEducation

The role of vocational education in preparing students for the workforce

Since the modern job market has become more dynamic and competitive, the need for diverse skills of potential employees has increased as well. To stand out from the line of other competitors, one should start preparing for a career while they are students; that is why the role of vocational education in preparing students for […]

Posted inEducation

How to improve your business writing: 5 simple tips that work

Business writing can seem like a complex field to create projects with, requiring many aspects to be considered. However, following established rules and valuable recommendations will bust this myth. Remain as focused as possible at all stages of your work, considering the specifics of this writing type. By familiarizing yourself with the guidelines, avoiding long […]

Posted inEducation, Schools

Study abroad: Wisconsin for Canadian students

STOCK IMAGE Venturing abroad for education isn’t just about academic pursuits. Study abroad is about self-discovery, embracing different cultures, and honing invaluable life skills. For Canadian scholars, extending their educational journey beyond national confines can be a transformative and career-boosting experience. Beyond familiar territories paves the way for unparalleled educational moments, and the U.S. (including […]

Posted inEducation

How to write a stunning admission essay–5 important elements discussed

A memorable admission essay is one of college applications’ most crucial yet challenging facets. It’s the piece where numbers and statistics step back, allowing personal experiences, aspirations, and thoughts to shine through. While much pressure surrounds this document, understanding its nuances can create a compelling narrative that stands out. 1. The significance of an admission […]

Posted inEducation, Finances, Home, Life

Factors to consider when living off-campus for mental and social well-being

Living off-campus is among the most interesting campus movements. The freedom that comes with having your own space is unexplainable. Whether you are attending college for the first time or looking forward to transitioning from living on campus, finding your way around off-campus living can be tasking. However, you can find the most comfortable and […]

Posted inEducation, Life, Local news, Parenting, Schools

3 tips to help those with allergies and asthma safely go back to school

School is back in session for some and for others, the class bell will soon ring. Living with a diagnosis of asthma and or allergies adds another layer to the back-to-school checklist. This school year, it is important to prioritize the health of your child or yourself if you are an educator or staff member […]

Posted inEducation

How to prove your essay wasn’t written by AI: 7 steps to prove authorship

Since ChatGPT broke the internet last fall, everyone had something to say about AI, but none as much as teachers. In the first month since its arrival, educators bemoaned the end of writing assignments and complained that students could now plagiarize without being discovered. Almost immediately, detection tools started appearing designed to uphold academic integrity […]

Posted inEducation

Why you need a postgraduate degree in your career field

A bachelor’s degree is one of the most important qualifications anyone can get. It takes years of dedication and investment. However, it’s not the end of the road in your career development; indeed, it’s just the beginning. If you’ve checked the job market lately, you may agree that unemployment is quite high. The competition for […]

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