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Eye on Employment
Looking for employment opportunities, news about employment or training and education opportunities? Check out our Eye on Employment page by clicking on the graphic above.

With Foxconn Technology Group building a 20 million square foot manufacturing campus, utilities building out infrastructure projects, and the need for permanent hires once the building is complete — the opportunities for work are aplenty.

But with a shortage of skilled workers and a high unemployment rate in the City of Racine, finding workforce ready residents with the right skills has been a challenge for years. To address this issue, Racine County Workforce Services Manager Mark Mundl said his department wants to move 900 City of Racine residents who are unemployed to the ranks of employed and people who are under-employed to higher paying jobs.

The Uplift 900 program kicked off its outreach effort at the Brey Center.

But a number of people in Racine have barriers to employment, which include not having access to transportation or a driver’s license, having a criminal background, access to good childcare, and unstable housing situations.

To address these issues, the county is working with a number of support service organizations to help address those issues.

If you are interested in the program, contact Melvin Hargrove at (262) 638-6551. The county also just kicked off a new site at where job seekers can upload their resume, connect with job training and education opportunities, and find jobs.

Two other meetings are also set for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Since you’re here…


We have a favor to ask. We want access to our stories to remain free for everyone, so we haven’t put up a paywall to block our content. But we need your help! Producing our content requires lots of hard work and money, but we believe it’s 100% worth it and so we’re inviting you to support our mission by funding it.

Also, Racine County Eye received an investigative journalism grant from the Local Independent Online News publishers’ association and the Ethics & Excellence in Journalism Foundation. Now we are looking for our community to match this $1,500 grant. Please consider making your contribution today at either $5, $10 or $20/month. We’ve got goodies galore for you too. Interested, click here.

Also, if you are looking for summer fun, check out Kraut Music Fest, which is set for June 8, 9, and 10.

Denise Lockwood has an extensive background in traditional and non-traditional media. She has written for, the Milwaukee Business Journal, Milwaukee Magazine and the Kenosha News.