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Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.

(RACINE) County Executive Jonathan Delagrave has joined in proclaiming September as National Preparedness Month and is urging those who live and work in Racine County to work together toward creating a more prepared community. This year’s theme is “Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.” 

“The Burlington-area floods of 2017 remind us how important it is to prepare for emergencies and disasters,” commented Delagrave. “Hundreds of homeowners were directly affected by floodwaters and even more experienced issues related to the power outage in the greater Burlington area. In the aftermath, residents had a huge mess to clean up and recovery took months.”

Racine County Emergency Management urges individuals and families to take the time to be prepared for emergencies and disasters. “If you can stabilize your own family and neighborhood, first responders can focus on those areas hardest hit and in the most need,” commented David Maack, Racine County Emergency Management Coordinator.

 1.       Every home, business and school should have a plan that is reviewed and practiced at least quarterly. Take a First Aid and CPR class and learn how to protect yourself and your family. In April, sign up for the annual Severe Weather Spotter course and take the on-line FEMA courses.

2.       Take time to review your insurance coverage. Many affected by disasters find out too late that they do not have adequate insurance. If you are in the flood plain, sign up for flood insurance. Most insurance companies do not cover flood related damages. Make sure you have a rider on your homeowner’s policy to cover sewer back-up.

3.       Put together a “Rainy Day” Fund. There is no guarantee that your emergency will be federally declared and even if it is, FEMA assistance will not make a person whole. In the aftermath, those affected will have expenses that they were not expecting and it will be easier to recover if one has planned ahead.

“Disasters don’t plan ahead, but we can!” commented Maack, “Take the time now to prepare. You’ll be glad you did. Being prepared can save precious time and save lives.”

Related content: Wisconsin Safety Council: How to stay safe during a flood