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Residents of Southeast Wisconsin inhale the most polluted air in the state. The air quality consistently receives an “F” from the  American Lung Association. We Energies, with its two large coal plants in Oak Creek, continues to endanger the health of all who live within 25 miles of the plants. The coal dust particles being dispersed lead to respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. And the mercury and lead being steadily spilled into Lake Michigan are toxic and carcinogenic as well.

Scientists have been warning us for decades about the threat posed by fossil fuel energy. They tell us we have until 2030 to make dramatic changes in how we meet our energy needs, and that we must be carbon-free no later than 2050. The only remedy is clean, renewable energy.

And how do We Energies and its parent company WEC respond? Only a few months ago, We Energies sought a variance from our DNR to permit three times the amount of mercury spillage into Lake Michigan than was considered safe. And just last month, in a conference call, “Chairman Gale Klappa told investment analysts he expects to continue running the Elm Road plant through mid-century.” (Wisconsin State Journal, August 2019)

I feel a mixture of dismay, disbelief, and growing anger over such gross irresponsibility by our state’s energy providers. Today many companies are expressing intentions of becoming better corporate citizens. Pay attention, We Energies.  Start moving to clean, renewable energy. Our lives depend on it.
 ~Carl Lindner