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The landscaping industry is one that we see in action every day. Whether it’s on large commercial properties or residential land, these professionals work hard to ensure that every plant and blade of grass is in its proper place. However, for those working in this field, these jobs can present a series of different safety hazards, and many professionals will experience some type of injury during their career. If you’re looking to work in this industry, you should know about some of the most common work injuries in landscaping.

Cuts and Loss of Limb

When you’re working with large mowing devices and sharp trimmers, it’s only natural that you’ll face a risk of abrasions. However, injuries sustained by these pieces of equipment are severe, and many workers require advanced medical treatment after the fact. You should learn a few safety tips for operating brush mowers. Always come to work wearing thick protective gear.

Heat or Cold Stress

Landscape workers also commonly develop heat or cold stress after being out in the elements all day. Depending on the region, seasons can reach extreme temperatures. Because of this, dressing in the proper attire is key to regulating your body heat and avoiding severe repercussions. Some signs of this stress include fatigue, headaches, nausea, sunburns, or frostbite.

Hearing Loss

Another common work injury in landscaping that many don’t often think about is hearing loss. Motorized landscaping equipment produces loud noises from both the engine and any powerful spinning blades. Without the proper ear protection to muffle these sounds, they can damage your eardrums and result in substantial hearing loss over time. Always include industrial-grade earmuffs in your daily work attire.


Since many landscaping tools run on electricity and electrical lines commonly run overhead, electrocution is a potential hazard. Trimming trees and other tall plants can put you in the direct line of interference with live wires. This can result in severe burns or worse. Make sure you remain aware of your surroundings when on the job and be careful when maneuvering around these cables.


Many landscaping workers even suffer from overexertion from time to time. Yard work can be very taxing on the body, putting many at risk of pushing themselves too hard. When this occurs, it’s a lot easier to strain muscles and break bones. You’re also more likely to experience extreme fatigue at the end of each workday. Fortunately, you can avoid this by knowing your physical limits and recognizing when it’s time to take a break.