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RACINE, Wis. — Racine County is under a freeze watch beginning later this evening and extending into Thursday morning.

Temperatures are expected to dip as low as 28 degrees in some areas, according to the National Weather Service.

Freeze watch targets Southeast Wisconsin

The National Weather Service (NWS) issued the watch for Southeast Wisconsin at 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 24, when temperatures in Racine County were 39 degrees. Winds out of the northeast at 17 miles per hour and 23 mph gusts made it feel like it was just 30 degrees.

NWS warns residents that outdoor plants, early-planted crops and exposed plumbing could be damaged by the plunging temperatures.

“Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation, and possible damage unprotected outdoor plumbing,” the watch reads.

freeze watch
The 7-day forecast for April 24-30. – Credit: Screenshot, TMJ4

Temperatures on a roller coaster

Temperatures for Racine County look to follow an unpredictable roller coaster over the next several days.

After temperatures plunge to near freezing or even below, the weather rebounds into the 50s and then the low 70s over the coming weekend.

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