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Letter to the Editor, Opinion

OPINION — What is the Western view of land as it relates to the Line 5 pipeline? For or against, discussion often sounds like a math equation; “If Line 5 blank the result is $blank.” There is little thought of what we owe the land.

What if we took the Indigenous view — that land is not separate, but our neighbor, teacher, doctor and provider? The Western view sees land as a resource — a commodity used for gain without repayment or planning for future generations.

In a recent talk, author Robin Wall Kimmerer asked, “What does the earth ask of us?” Maybe it wants respect in return for its gifts. We use the land without asking permission, or replacing what we take — if we did that at our Aunt’s house it would be called stealing. In contrast, what we “pay” for oil taken from the land goes to a corporation.

opinion, Line 5 pipeline
Plants provide food, medicine and materials. – Submitted photo

Take plants/trees as an example. What can we learn from them? Plants use water, light and soil to provide food, medicine and materials. When we give them space and don’t plow them under or build over them, they continue to give their gifts. They are 100% solar powered; a free, renewable resource. They take carbon out of the atmosphere and sequester it in the ground; a perfect cycle of renewal.

In contrast, Line 5 fossil fuel threatens the atmosphere, soil and water that feeds plants. Its extraction leaves a barren landscape. And it is not renewable. Once burned, it’s gone and can’t be reproduced for thousands of years. Eventually it will run out and destroy the earth as it is used up, killing many in the process. This sounds extreme — but it is true. We must find another way.

opinion, Line 5 pipeline
Line 5 pipeline as depicted by Enbridge – Credit: Enbridge website

I conclude the earth has rights, and deserves respect and reciprocity. Regarding Line 5, consequences of its operation include oil spills, aquifer breaches, ground water heating, and the effects of CO2 causing wildfires, floods and drought. The need has never been greater to change our view. Which world do you want to live in?

Yvonne Besyk
Salem, WI

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